My bad day


New Member
I'm an older dad and have no problem with it most of the time. The other day at work someone announced his wife's pregnancy, and then started to worry he was 'too old' to be able to give the kid the best a father can. It's depressing as he is around 15 years younger than me!


New Member
Sounds like this may have been an unplanned pregnancy and maybe like he is maybe caught off guard? Some people are better at taking things in stride than other people.


New Member
Every person is different, so perhaps this man thinks that he is too old. I would not let it bother you though, I bet you are a good dad! I bet it was unplanned and he is nervous.


New Member
If we all waited to have kids when we thought we were ready most of us would be childless and that is just true. I think there is a prime age that would be best to have a child but what happens if that time comes and passes?


New Member
I think there is not such thing as "too old to be a dad". I agree with the others that he might be just nervous about his wife's pregnancy.


New Member
Thanks for the reassurances. I never stopped to think this may be about his feelings. Guess I was too busy thinking about my own! Perhaps I should try to talk to him about what is ahead and offer a listening ear.