My Brother Wants To Date My Sister-in-law


New Member
My brother confided in me that he likes my sister-in-law. There is no problem with me as long as she takes good care of him.

Do you know anyone who has a brother that married the sister of his/her spouse? Do you think this will go well with both families?


New Member
I've heard of instances, but I don't know if I'd be ok with it. I would just be worried that if things don't work out and end badly, things would be quite uncomfortable. In the end, though, it's up to them.


New Member
I think it's great as long as the relationship works out. I'd be concerned about what it would be like for them and the families if things don't work out, but why "borrow trouble?" If that happens, it can be dealt with then.


New Member
I don't see anything wrong with it personally, but it could make things a bit awkward for some family members. Not everyone is as open-minded as I am, so I'm not too sure how the families would handle the situation.


New Member
I think that it would be a bit weird. Families generally don't get on that well once the extended family starts to run into the closer family, and that seems like a bit of an overlap that I couldn't handle.


New Member
I agree with the guy who asked about them splitting. What kind of waves is that going to cause within the family? I really think that it would be somewhat awkward.


New Member
Awesome.... all in the family. Are you close with your sister in law? That would be kind of cool to have them date and fall in love and get married. I don't know anyone who has done this.