My own room


New Member
Sometimes I feel like living in my house is chaos. I try to accept that nothing can be perfect when you have kids. I would like to build my own room in the basement. A place I can go that is mine alone. What do you think of this idea?


New Member
I have some friends who have rooms they can escape to. I don't have one, but that's because when I'm home I tend to follow my wife around like a puppy, lol. I have one friend who has a video game room to himself because he's a big kid and another buddy whose hobby is playing guitar and writing music so he has a music room. Anyone who needs space to relax should take it. Otherwise, you're setting yourself up for sensory overload.


New Member
I agree. I have the garage and my wife and kids get the house. I keep all of my tools for wood working out there and keep it nice and organized. We set up boundaries so the kids know they can not come in or borrow a tool with out asking.


New Member
Part of having a family in your home is the chaos it brings, while it can bring a great deal it can also bring great moments too. Just think when the kids get a bit older they can help you with those household chores that you might hate. :)


New Member
Families and kids = chaos and I for one love it. I get my "Me time" when I go to a sporting event with my buddies or go plays cards with the guys. We have a game room in our house, but it is all of ours. My room away from the kids is the bedroom. They can come in but they have to knock.


New Member
Like stayathomepaul, I tend to hide in the garage. I'll work on the car, or just sit at my bench and tie some fishing lures. If things get real crazy, sometimes I'll hitch up the boat and go fishing for a while. Sitting on the water always seems to clear my head.


New Member
If you think you need it, you deserve it. I enjoy being with my wife and my daughter when I am home, so I don't really need such a room at the moment.


New Member
It's not really a room, but we have a nice patio, and I'll go outside to catch a breather. Even when the kids are in the backyard playing, alot of the times they don't even notice I'm there.


New Member
I have a music room for all of my guitars at the moment but our wife i expecting our second child and I am afraid I may have to give it up. The wife says she's going to let the kids share a room for awhile. I hope so!


New Member
I have a workout room that is all mine, well most of the time. It's a good idea to relax and unwind with something you like to do from time to time otherwise you'll go insane and that's not helping anybody.


New Member
I think every man needs a room like that. Probably any human being. It's healthy to have your time alone. In order to be a good father for you kids, you need to first take care of yourself.