Neighbors not family friendly


New Member
What are you supposed to do when your neighbors are not family friendly? They stand around outside all the time talking and the language is practically x-rated. When we aren't out with the kids I don't care, but can't they see I have a two year old out there?


New Member
I know exactly what you mean!! My neighbors are always in their yard having knock down, drag out fights and cursing at each other. My wife has gone over there and told them to keep it down or take it inside and then they'll behave for a while, but they eventually go back to their normal behavior. It's really frustrating!


New Member
Wow, that stinks! I have never dealt with that before so I'm not sure what to tell you. Have you tried talking to them? Are you friends with them? Maybe you could ask them to not be so loud so your child won't hear the potty mouths they have.


New Member
Well, outside is a community area and they have the right to say what they want to say outdoors. The world is not a child-proof place. I have just learned that it's my responsibility to find another activity for the kids or turn on music in that case. It's not their job to be appropriate for my kids in their own yard.


New Member
We have dealt with a similar situation, and I do agree that it is their property and all that but it still stinks. I guess just turn the radio up if they are outside when you are.


New Member
They are not really the talk to them kind of neighbors. We have already had issues with them over their dogs, and the police get called to their house on the regular. This is a really nice, quiet neighborhood except for them.


New Member
It sounds like they aren't the kind of people who you can have a friendly conversation with about it so other than that I think there's not you can do. Honestly, kids are going to hear things everywhere and we aren't always in control of that. I do think that turning up the music is a good suggestion. It stinks but I can't fault them for talking like "adults."


New Member
Well, outside is a community area and they have the right to say what they want to say outdoors. The world is not a child-proof place. I have just learned that it's my responsibility to find another activity for the kids or turn on music in that case. It's not their job to be appropriate for my kids in their own yard.
I know we can say whatever we want to say and do whatever (legal) we want to do in our own property, but we are not live alone. We have neighbors who have the right not to get distracted by our misbehavior.