Netbook or laptop?


New Member
My wife wants to get another computer and thinks that a netbook will be enough for her. What will she not be able to do with a netbook that you can do on a laptop?


New Member
There are netbooks and there are netbooks! In other words I advise her not to go for the very cheapest or she'll end up adding memory etc. If it's a second computer and she is content with surfing, email, maybe writing the odd document then it will be fine. Hard core game players are better off with the speed and graphics of a laptop.


New Member
Some people find the keys on a netbook to be a little awkward. I guess if you have smaller hands it would be less of a problem though. My ex has one which she loves for the convenience and the decent battery life.


New Member
My daughter got a netbook to mainly surf the net and do online applications, and ot works fine for her. It's lightweight and easy to tote around, but the thing she complains about most is that her netbook only has a couple hour battery life. She can get a better battery and is thinking about it.


New Member
It really depends what you will be using it for, and how often. I would probably go with getting a laptop, but that's just me. Laptops have more memory and have a better battery life (usually). Those are two things that are very important to me.


New Member
I don't think she will be able to play games or downstream movies. I would advise against a netbook and tell her to get a laptop. You can get good deals on laptops if you look around.


New Member
I don't have a netbook myself but I have ever tried my friend's netbook. I type fast and I found that the keyboard is not so ergonomic for a fast typist like me. :cool:


New Member
Laptops have more memory and have a better battery life (usually).
It's interesting because what I read is a bit different. A laptop's battery can last up to three hours while a netbook's battery normally lasts up to five hours. It's because a netbook uses energy saving parts.