New puppy


New Member
Well, I guess we got ourselves a new puppy. Someone put out a beautiful lab at the grocery store and my wife just couldn't leave him there. I hate it when people mistreat their animals that way.


New Member
Well congratulations on the new puppy! Sad that someone put it out that way, but at least he/she found you! Have you named the puppy yet?


New Member
I can't believe someone just dropped the puppy off at the store. I see people giving away puppies in parking lots all the time, but at least they wait and make sure the puppies get homes. Congratulations though :) Labs are great dogs!


New Member
I hate it too! It makes me so mad! I'm glad they left it at the store instead of at the dump. We have people dropping cats off at our house all the time (we live in the country). We have found homes for them all.


New Member
I wish someone give me a beagle. We just lost our beagle a month ago. He escape from our gate and someone picked him up. We posted posters but he's still missing. I just hope that the person who took him will take good care of him.


New Member
Wow, I am very sorry to hear someone did that to the puppy. It is nice that there are good people like you who can give the pup a home.


New Member
It is a sad story, but seems like it will have a happy ending. I have a cat that was left in a box with two siblings as tiny newborn kittens. One was dead, we got one, and someone else took the other. It breaks my heart to know that this kind of thing happens and not all are saved.