Not Having A Good Day Today


New Member
I have had to deal with a lot of things in my time but I, as any man does, soldiered on and did what I needed to do. But, sometimes I am just at the end of my rope. I really can't say what has come up but does anyone else just have a "want to be by myself" day sometimes?


Staff member
Yeah. I've had one heck of a year this year. It seems like if something could go wrong, it did. All over the board too, from health to money. All I can say is march on through, things will get better. When the wife knows I'm reaching my limit, she tells me to get my kayak and go fishing. A few hours fishing on it, and I come back more relaxed.


New Member
This has been a hard year for most people I know. Jason and his wife have the right idea. Even though I stay at home and she works we both recognize there are times when we both need a break. We will tag team the kids and sometimes a time out is in order not just for the kids but for us. My wife suggests I go sailing or go see friends and play some music when I am really stressed and I recommend that she go to one of her art meetings. When one of us tells the other it is time to do those things we know what we are really saying is, "You NEED a break, go do something you enjoy". We also take days where we send the kids to the grandparents and we go out on dates to do things we used to do. It really does work wonders.


New Member
My wife and I try and recognize when the other is losing it and head it off before we blow up a simple situation. Usually, a morning of fishing will help me come back to myself.


New Member
Every so often sometimes people just need to be people, not head of the household, the worker or the boss, just the person. The individual and have some time to blow off some steam. I prefer to get an extra hour of sleep each night but hey thats just me.


New Member
I understand where your coming from, as I too have had an awful year. As my father always told me "only worry about the things you can change, then make a plan to change them". This has helped me greatly this year. I hope all gets better with you and your future is much brighter.