Offering support


New Member
Would you offer support to another dad (not through here as I know we all do and it's great). I mean if you were out and about and saw a dad and his kids and they he was struggling, would you offer your support? In what way?


New Member
If I'm honest, no I wouldn't. I keep out of other people's business. I've seen in the past, other people offer like that and get their head bitten off by the person they offered help to.


New Member
I wouldn't because I would feel like I was crossing a boundary. If someone asked me, I might help but I would feel a bit strange because I don't know the child. That's a tough situation to think about.


New Member
I'd also be a little offended if someone came to me in public, offering to help. It would make it seem like they were they were suggesting that they are better at parenting than me, or that I'm kind of failing to do my job.


New Member
It depends on what was going on. If they needed help then of course I would help them. If I didn't think they were doing something right, no I would stay out of it too. If their kids were in danger, then yes I would step up.