Old bricks


New Member
There is a pile of old bricks I pass by every day going to work. I know the next time I go by they will be gone, but I cannot think of anything I want to do with them yet. Should I get them and have a pile of bricks in my yard? I can't start another project right now, but they are some beautiful old bricks.


New Member
Why not get them and build a brick fire place? Or a brick campfire spot outside. I love old bricks too - I'm sure you will think of something once you get them.


New Member
You could use them to make a brick pathway. It wouldn't have to be anything major. Depending on how many bricks you have, it could be a garden path or something like that. A neighbor of ours has this circular garden that is surrounded by bricks that looks really nice.


New Member
We don't have room in the house for a fireplace, but the idea of one outside is mighty appealing. I could build a permanent fire pit and cook out there on occasion. I use a grill for now, but it's out in the weather and will be seeing its last days before long. Thanks for the idea. I'm going to go get them this afternoon since I'm off work.