one-on-one time


New Member
Do you have one on one time with each of your children? The wife insists that I take our oldest aside and have 'special' time just us. It is a nice bonding time for us and I hope to continue it. We built a couple of little monster trucks tonight and a couple months ago I took the oldest to see monster trucks for the first time!


New Member
I have tried to do this with all my kids, but it's gotten a little harder with the girls as they have gotten older. But with my son, we go fishing and do other things quite often.


Staff member
Only one so far, so yeah. I am worried that the kids will get jealous if I spend more time with one then the other, otherwise I would have no problem with doing it.


New Member
I love spending one on one time with my daughter. We've gone to the zoo together, just the two of us, and also to the movies. I'm looking forward to new adventures, just she and I.