Online Gaming


New Member
My son occasionally plays games on the PSP and connects online with other players, but the language they use is so awful that I make him turn the volume all the way down and refuse to get him a headset. I hate that there's no moderation of the way people talk on those things, because I know he'd like to talk to the friends he has who also play. Is there no way around this?


Staff member
I wish there was. Sadly I feel it will only get worse. It is why I'm refusing to put TV's or computers in our children s rooms.


New Member
I don't think there are audio filters, it would be a nice feature seeing how some kids might get exposed to bad language with out them actually willing to partake in such a verbal exchange since to the best of my knowledge you can play and talk to just about anyone in online play.


New Member
Yeah, it really is bothersome. I've played with him before, and by myself online and listened to the conversations...and some of it is just horrible. There are even people talking about being on drugs or intoxicated. He doesn't need to hear that!