Parents who object to vaccinating their kids


New Member
I am sort of amazed by parents who object to vaccinating their kids. I'm not really sure what all the paranoia is about. What do you think?


New Member
As someone who didn't have all these vaccinations as a child I'm amazed too. There's such a small percentage of children that start to display signs of autism after innoculation that it doesn't seem right to put other kids at risk but I guess I'd feel differently if my own child ended up with autism.

the matrix

New Member
I think some parents are concerned about autism as well but there is no solid evidence that it happens. Other parents believe that the child's natural immune system can take care of it. There was a segment on CNN where someone was selling lollipops that were licked by people who had chicken pox so that parents who did not believe in the Chicken Pox vaccine could give them the real thing. It's just crazy.

Parents avoid vaccine by spreading disease through mail – The Chart - Blogs


New Member
My kids were vaccinated and I thought it was the right thing to do. I have not seen enough evidence (and I've done some research) to suggest that I should not have my children vaccinated. No issues after vaccination for them, or for anybody else I've discussed it with.


New Member
Those childhood diseases for which there are vaccinations can be quite deadly in their own right. I'm not willing to put my kids at risk by NOT vaccinating them.


New Member
I have done enough research that I have seen quite a few things that DO concern me about vaccines. Ultimately, we decided to go ahead, but we discussed it for a LONG time. We also did not use the APA vaccine schedule. We did ours more slowly than the schedule recommends so they never got more than one injection at a time.


New Member
Those childhood diseases for which there are vaccinations can be quite deadly in their own right. I'm not willing to put my kids at risk by NOT vaccinating them.
That sums up my feelings on the issue pretty much perfectly. I believe that vaccinations are important. I have done some research and the potential side effects and consequences just aren't significant enough. I won't take chances by not vaccinating.