Peirce or tat?


New Member
How do you explain these to your kids when they are younger, or even tattoos? I am wondering the best way to explain this when the time comes but I am the oddball out, no one else in the family is like "us weirdos". :)


New Member
I don't think there is all that much to explain about them. I would just explain it like this - Some people like to get tattoos and piercings. It doesn't necessarily say anything about their personality that they have tattoos or piercings. You can use ear piercing as an example since many kids have ear piercings.


New Member
Ear piercings are acceptable to most cultures, but nose and tongue piercings are a different thing. I would just tell them that people are different. Some people like dancing, the others enjoy singing, some people likes hunting, the others likes getting tattoos and piercings....


New Member
Great answers everyone! I'm not a fan of tattoo's or piercings but I'm not against others getting them. As long as you don't force them on your kids then I see nothing wrong with getting them.


New Member
I'm not a fan of tattoos and piercings either. I don't have any and I wouldn't like my children to have any. I suppose you can tell them that tattoos and piercings are choices that some people make after they become grown-ups because they want to express their individuality.