

New Member
Any one else plan this baby? We decided to start a family and actually planned this. Most of our friends have not planned for their children, so are we just odd?


New Member
Oh, I wouldn't say you're odd. You do what people actually used to do. People used to have sex mainly for that purpose. If anything, you're a throwback, but you're not odd.


Staff member
My wife was wanting another child since late last year. I wanted to wait until earlier this year, and we finally got pregnant in July.


New Member
I would not say your odd at all. I wish ours was an actual planned pregnancy, but you deal with what you get. I love children and we will plan the next! I don't know anyone that has actually planned babies in my circle of friends.


New Member
My wife and I were actually married for four years before we decide it was time. It was something we discussed prior to getting married. She want to finish college and I was just starting a new job. It was a good decision for us.