Play Time


New Member
My son and I have play time together several times a week. He's three, so we do things like making things out of the larger Legos, coloring, or whatever he would like to play. His favorite is riding 'horsie" on daddy. I think I enjoy play time as much as he does. Do you play with your kids?


New Member
I adore my son and can think of nothing better than spending time playing with him but he's getting to the age where he'd rather play with his friends, unless I'm taking him fishing or something else that's special!


New Member
I've always enjoyed playing with my kids. I think it's a really important thing to do. Once a child is old enough to actually play games with you, the bond becomes so much stronger. It's amazing how quickly their personalities change right before your eyes lol.


New Member
I play with the kids more in the summer than in the winter, because we can spend more time outside playing sports. In the winter, mostly we'll play card or board games on the weekend.


New Member
I play with my kids every day when I get home from work. I come in take a shower and we play till dinner is ready. It gives the wife a little break, and dinner gets done faster!