Potty training


New Member
Since my wife is expecting our second child in March she has decided it's time to start working with our almost 19 month old on potty training. I was thinking that's kind of young. What do you guys think?


New Member
It really depends on the child. Some children can potty train as young as 15 months and others will wait much longer. My wife will try but not push the issues because it can cause a lot of frustration for the child and the family if the child is just not ready and having to much pressure put on him/her. Our youngest is 3 and is just now potty trained. Not at a lack of trying but because she was very stubborn and resistant to it. However my wives first child potty trained at 20 months and second at 16 months. So like I said every child is different and will potty train when they are ready.


New Member
If the child is old enough to grasp the concept, and the mother see's it as a necessity as another child is on the way, then potty training it is!


New Member
We potty trained our son when he started showing interest in the bathroom. He was about 18 months old and he took to it right away. Sure we still have accidents but, long as he is trying we don't punish him.