Preferred Meal on The Go?


New Member
When you are in a rush and your kids are hungry so you need to prepare something very quickly what is your meals of choice in this moment?


New Member
If we're running late and in a big hurry at breakfast, it's either sausage biscuits warmed up in the microwave or Pop-Tarts. Usually, though, we try to have a good breakfast. If it's lunch or dinner that we're rushed to have, we usually pick something up at a fast-food restaurant. We try to keep that to a bare minimum and order one of the more healthy foods.


New Member
Both of mine are into cheese on toast at the moment. The eldest is starting to appreciate flavors more and he likes me to add a little mustard to the cheese. I have taken to keeping a bag of it ready grated in the fridge to save even more time.


New Member
When we have to get something quick, I'll usually swing by the grocery store and pick up a couple rotisserie chicken and a couple of sides. The kids like it and I think it's a bit better than regular fast food.


New Member
Give me a sandwich every time. They are quick and easy to prepare and if you use fresh crusty bread, whatever filling you use will taste good. My son likes crunchy peanut butter at the moment.


New Member
For breakfast, I would probably choose a Pop Tart or a cereal bar (my daughter loves cereal bars). For lunch, it'd probably be cheese toast or a turkey sandwich and chips.


New Member
Here we use anything we have on bread. I know it may not be the best choice but at least it's not some junk food. I hate giving bad foods to kids.


New Member
I also use toast or sandwich. I prefer to make up chicken salad if I have chicken left over from night before or pb and J works well with the kids.