President Obama supports gay marriage


New Member
Yesterday, in an interview President Obama stated that he is in full support of gay marriage. I wonder if he will try to make that legal by executive order like he has done with so many other bills and amendments lately.
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New Member
I must admit, I'm surprised to hear this. Most politicians these days are trying to skirt the issue of gay marriage, or at least it seems that way. I'm curious to see if anything concrete comes of his "support".


New Member
I really see it just as a pull some strings to get a few extra votes this coming election. He seems to have always stood on the so-so side and I just do not buy it. For some reason I get a very bad feeling about this tool.


New Member
Yeah, I also am a bit surprised that he has gone that far. I am not against gay relationship and marriage, but I don't think it is something to be encouraged and supported, especially by the President.


New Member
He knows the limits of his executive powers. This is not something he can unilaterally put into place by executive order. This is something the people have to convince their representatives to put into place.


New Member
I really see it just as a pull some strings to get a few extra votes this coming election.
I wonder about that. It strikes me as a political maneuver as well, but the problem is it could easily cost him plenty of votes. He barely won North Carolina last time, for instance, and considering they just passed Amendment 1, such a declaration could lose him the state in the general election.

I still think it's awesome that he publicly threw support behind gay marriage though.


New Member
For some reason I get a very bad feeling about this tool.
My wife and I have said this since he first came on the scene. I really don't know what it is, but he gives me a seriously bad feeling and so does his wife. I hope that he doesn't get re-elected, but I am about 99% sure that he will.


New Member
It is really a very sorry state of affairs for a country like America. This can be solely a political move.
I firmly believe that Man and Woman are creations of God, and playing mischief or intervening in the law of reproduction may someday bring serious epidemic or incurable disease to this messy world.
May human learn the teaching of Lord.


New Member
I'll give him credit for actually taking a side on this issue. I get tired of politicians riding the fence on things that are controversial. Whether he's doing this for votes or what, at least he's making his views clear.

R. Paradon

New Member
It is really a very sorry state of affairs for a country like America. This can be solely a political move.
I firmly believe that Man and Woman are creations of God, and playing mischief or intervening in the law of reproduction may someday bring serious epidemic or incurable disease to this messy world.
May human learn the teaching of Lord.
And may you learn more about the scientific and medical discussions on homosexuality.


New Member
I wish I was as sure as you are, Bear. I have no illusions about the fact that it's just a tactic to get more votes, but I'll take it. Also, I don't think he'll lose too many more votes. I've always had the impression that most people against marriage equality wouldn't vote for him anyway. It's nice to finally have a President who actually takes a side.

Also, ghanashyam, regardless of your religious views, seperation of church and state should be maintained. LGBT rights have nothing to do with religion.


New Member
I hope he does use executive order. So much time is waster by congress its ridiculous. We all knw it is going to pass, just do it already and get it over with.