

New Member
It's amazing how busy we can get with what we put high priority on, and how much we can neglect what we let fall to the wayside, no matter how important. How much time do you spend budgeting and making sure that your family is financially taken care of? Does it ever cut into "family time"?

the saint

New Member
If you do it regularly budgeting does not take too much time. I always monitor our expenses each evening so that I know if we are still living within our means. It's easier that way for me.


New Member
I always do it with my wife. It doesn't usually take so much time as my wife is good in it. Moreover, we don't have too much money to budget with. :)


New Member
Our financial matters are saved for Friday evenings after the kids are in bed. Then we sit down together and figure out where we stand. It usually only takes a few minutes, unless we have a need for somethings and have to rearrange the budget.


New Member
I think the once a week deal sounds better than the daily deal. The trick I think is when changes to income or expenses requires a bit of re-arranging of where money goes, then I feel the need to sit down and juggle until I find something I'm happy with.


New Member
Yes right now there are some major priorities cutting in to family time and it is hard on everyone. I am working on replacing the roof and it needs to get done this week. Then I hope things will return to normal.