Promotions, what to consider?


New Member
I am pretty sure I'm getting ready to be offered a promotion at work. It's nice to be recognized, but I'm not sure I want the promotion. It's a little more money, nothing major. The hours are much longer. Tele-commuting would be harder to do. What would make or break the deal for you?


New Member
Money. Show me the money, or it's not likely worth it. I don't mind taking on more responsibilities and hours if it's paying off in the long run for my family. If this promotion was going to open up more opportunities for me, I would also take it.


New Member
I can't agree more with Dad2Be. I would most possible take the promotion if the salary and/or benefit increase is worth it. But if it sounded like it will be rewarding in the long run, I would also take it.


New Member
I agree with the others that money would be a consideration. The number of hours I would be expected to work and the responsibilities of the position would be other things I would consider.


New Member
I second the others that money counts a lot in making such a decision. Another think to consider is that if you are required to move due to the promotion.