Putting together the furniture


New Member
Do we have any dads who recently had to assemble the nursery furniture? Or who are going to have to soon? I remember when I put the stuff together for my daughter - what a fight! I waited too long to do it and my wife was HUGE so she couldn't help me. I'm usually pretty handy with stuff like that, but I felt so uncoordinated that day. Then again, maybe it was nerves ;)


New Member
I have a friend that did and his wife snagged a shot of him and plastered it all over Facebook tagging the new daddy to be. His first of course and he was in fact reading the instructions.


New Member
It hasn't been recent, but when I was putting it together I remember it took forever. I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for safety reasons.


Staff member
I did my daughters crib, and will be doing another crib early next year. It was not as bad as some other furniture I have done.