Q tips


New Member
My wife got on my case yesterday about using Q tips to clean my ears. She said they actually push ear wax deeper into your ear and can cause an ear infection. Is that true? What do you guys do to clean your ears?


New Member
I've always used Qtips, but I've never had an ear infection. It may get clogged once in a while, but they end up clearing up on their own. I've heard there is some kind of thing they do at a doctors office to clean ears. I forgot the term, but it sounded like some kind of air tool. Does anyone know about that and if it's painful?


New Member
I use Q-tips too but I do know that they say they are not really good to use. I don't know how else to clean my ears. I don't like getting water in them so that is not a way to clean them.


Staff member
I've heard that before too, but I still use them. They sell ear plug things that are said to pull inner ear wax out, but I have never tried them. I have heard of people putting hydrogen peroxide, about half a cap in their ear and letting it fizzle inside for 5-10 minutes and then let it run out. They say they get wax out that way.


New Member
I've heard Qtips aren't good to use as well, but I do it anyway. I haven't had a problem with ear infections, but my ears do get pretty clogged once in a while. My wife got me some over the counter stuff at the drug store that helps clean them out. I still need the Qtips though because my ears get itchy if I don't dry them after a shower.


New Member
I use them and my ears are just fine. I still have healthy ears and perfect hearing. My wife tends to get on my case about this too so I do it when she is not around.