Question for mothers


New Member
My son has been really disrespectful to my wife recently. She is a very patient person and rarely ever raises her voice. What can I do to help? What advice would you give me that I can share with her? Help!


Staff member
Well not a mothers opinion but here is mine. My daughter has realized that when my wife is feeding our newborn she cannot move really. This is when the three year old acts up and does not obey. And this is where I come in. I somethings think I'm being a bit mean or over strict, but the wife says I am not. But I will make sure she listens to what my wife is saying. Not sure if that helps or not.


New Member
It sounds like maybe he feels since there is not much push-back from her, that he can walk all over her. Somehow, he has to get the message that this is not the case.


New Member
I think that you standing up and speaking for her is going to make things worse because it's going to seem like she can't handle herself. What you should do is let her deal with it and maybe give her advice based on how you would handle the situation. It's okay to support but don't make her seem like she can't handle things without you because the kids will see that as weakness.