Rainy Days and Snotty Noses

Jerry F

New Member
My kids all woke up with snotty noses and coughs this morning. To beat it all it's rained all day long with them changing classes between trailers since the classrooms are all overcrowded. I am predicting some fever tonight, maybe a little trouble breathing through their noses. I do not look forward to this.


New Member
Oh no! That really stinks. I know there is a lot of sickness around here right now too. I think it's the change in weather. One day it's snowing and cold and the next it's raining and 50!


New Member
It's spring. That, rainy days and snotty noses seem to go together, at least for my kids they do. My bunch have allergies and usually wind up with some type of cold/sinus type illness whenever the season's weather changes.


New Member
I hope they don't get too sick. I run a humidifier with menthol in it when the kids start sniffling. It helps them to breathe at night, and the extra sleep seems to get them over it faster.


New Member
I guess we will all be looking for some of the same with all the crazy days coming our way. Yesterday was in the mid 70s and today it has been in the 40s. One good medicine that works for coughs in my family is Mucinex. My sisters swear by it.


New Member
This is the time when kids usually start getting sick and once one kid is sick, everyone around them gets sick. It's always fun :p


New Member
You should try giving your children vitamins during the winter. There are several types of multivitamin pills; just ask your doctor. They strengthen the immune systems and prevent spring flus.