Rewards or punishments.


New Member
Since our kids were little we've tried to reward the good behavior more than punish the bad behavior. However when we do this with our youngest he takes it almost as a, well I was good, now I can do something I'm not supposed to pass. We are starting to have to punish him because he's just not consistent. Do you reward more than you punish? What do you do as punishment?


New Member
I think the boy is testing your consistency. That's what boys do. My son does that too. My wife and I make sure we reward the good things he does more generously. But we are stone cold indifferent to nasty things he does. A child just wants to get our attention, some more than others. So, we sometimes need to adjust. Either way, indifference is not what he wants. Attention and praise, lavish or otherwise, are what moves him.


New Member
How funny! I mean I am sure it's not funny, but that boy is going to test you while he grows up.
We use time out and taking away things that they like.


New Member
We try to keep the rewards and punishments on a level field so to speak. We try not to overdo either one. We don't know why exactly, it just seems right somehow.


New Member
I am going through the same thing right now so I understand! I reward for good, but I make sure to get his attention to punish when bad. We use time out and taking things away, but we also discuss the why and that seems to help. He can always tell me what he did wrong and then I explain why he needs to stop. Work in progress!


New Member
We do a lot of rewards. For example if they do well then we can take a trip to the park or do other things. Today I was not feeling well and my son had a huge fit because I was not going to be able to take him for his reward. I think he is going to learn that you do not always get what you want or earned.


New Member
I want to do rewards and I try so hard. But there are times where I just have to draw the limit. There is only so long patience can go on before it becomes a punishment. I wish I could better recognize when to be patient and when you have to draw the line. I hope I will learn this better soon!