Robbing banks to survive


New Member
Did you hear about the guy that was arrested yesterday for robbing banks? He had robbed ten banks over the past 9 months or so to feed his family. Unfortunately, I think stories like this are going to become common place.


New Member
You will never know. As an employee of a bank I know that probably 80% of robberies never makes it into the news. They don't want people to know how easy it is. The idiot will now be in jail and his family is ******.


New Member
This is just the way it goes - when the economy is in the toilet, crime goes up. But in addition to being morally wrong, it's totally counterproductive because as Christopher said, his family is going to be really screwed now that he's going to jail.


New Member
I can sympathize with the guy because I will do whatever it takes to feed my family, and make sure that they are cared for. I saw the story, and he had a pretty good run...11 months without getting caught.


New Member
There have been a lot more robberies around here. The banks have now stepped up security. For example, when you walk in the first door you are in a closed off area where you walk through a metal detector. The next door only opens when the light turns green, which is when the security guard decides. Only one person is allowed in the door at a time. The outdoor is the same way, only no metal detector.


New Member
That bank would lose my business since I conceal carry everywhere I go. Coming in and out of the bank doesn't seem to be a good time to be unarmed to me...especially these days.