Savers and spenders


New Member
If you are a saver, and your spouse is a spender, how do you reconcile this? I'm the saver in the family, and I've found that compromise is the key and that between the two of us, if we are honest with each other we find a happy medium.


New Member
I'm the at home person, and I handle paying all the bills. My wife is the working person. I tend to be the saver, because I am closer to our financial details than she is.


New Member
I am more of a spender and she's a saver, but I'm working on changing this. It's really hard to change your ways but when you love someone enough, it makes it much easier.


New Member
Aiden I am the same! I definitely have less self control than my wife but as we both have our own spending money there is no real tension about it.


New Member
I think my fiance and I are both on the same page for the most part. I tend to be a bit more of spender on unnecessary stuff, like snacks from convenience stores. It's ok though because we don't fight about it.