Saving Money


New Member
I always teach my kids about saving money for rainy days. I bought 5 big piggy banks for them to start saving the coins and $1 notes. It's good to educate them the importance of money when they are still young. Do you teach your kids about saving bucks? In what way?


New Member
Sure do, the same way you did. I also bought them all a ATM machine (toy) that they can keep track of their money in. They insert the money and then punch in what they put in.


New Member
Yes! I never had anybody to teach me about money. I had to learn by my mistakes. I teach my girls to save as much as they can. They also have banks. One bank is for a rainy day and their other bank is to save for something big.


Staff member
My daughter has a piggy back and she gets change once in a while for doing something good. She was taught change goes in the piggy bank, and now will ask for the piggy bank. The only time she asks for change is for water fountains and she asks for pennies.