Soo Excited


New Member
My sister had her baby girl this morning! So my son and nephew are 3 months apart and niece will be 8 months apart. I hope they can grow up together and be close! All my cousins were at least 10 years older than me so I had nobody around. We will get to see her tomorrow!


New Member
It's a really nice thing when cousins know each other and are close to each other. It makes us parents more comfortable knowing they are in good company, and it makes families closer.


New Member
Congrats to your sister and her partner. It's great when a new baby joins the family, especially when you have a large, close knit family group. I have just returned from my nephews christening party and we all had a good time.


Staff member
Congratulations. Yeah, your children are lucky, I seemed to be in the middle of about 3-5 years with my cousins.


New Member
Congrats! It's always excited to welcome a new member of our family. So you have seen the baby already I think. How was she? How much did she weigh after she was born?


New Member
I am happy for your sister and her partner. Hope the little guys will always be close and be good friends. Have they named the baby? Care to share it here?