

New Member
Now that the weather is turning, what sports do your kids participate in? Are you an active parent or do they have to beg you to see them play? As a family, we are there to cheer each other at whatever their interest is. In our family, we have a dancer, soccer player, football player, violinist, and gymnast. We are always on our way to someone's activity.


New Member
We sound a lot like you guys. We have dance, soccer, piano and gymnastic right now. In the fall T-ball will start, as well as another session of football. We're a pretty active family.


New Member
My son plays baseball, hockey and soccer. Depending on what season it is. I coach most of them. I never miss a game if I'm not coaching. I love it as much as he does.


New Member
I am glad to hear that there are other guys that make time to support their kids activities. I have to admit that I was hurt when my dad didn't make my games, etc. I now realize that it wasn't his decision, but it hurt all the same. I promised myself that I would make sure I would be there, and would make it work somehow. It is tough at times, but we make it work.