stupid exes


New Member
We both have stupid exes and sometimes they randomly pop up in life. We are both thinking about getting a restraining order, has anyone done this before? How long do they last, I am wondering if we have go to that route how often we renew them??


New Member
I'm sorry to hear about that. I don't know anything about restraining orders other than what I've seen in movies. I can't imagine being in that situation. If I had an ex that was a problem, I'd handle it myself.


New Member
Usually you can only get a civil protection order if there is violence between family members or former family members. The threat of violence is not enough for the order to be issued.


New Member
Wow, I have never had any sort of situation like that where a restraining order was necessary. I do know that my sister is having problems with that. She just got married and is pregnant, all within 3 months of meeting the guy. Now the husband's ex keeps saying she is going to take him back. I get to read all about it on Facebook.


New Member
Have they done anything specific you can get a protection order for? Something like harrassing phone calls or texts, threatening physical violence to you or your spouse etc.?


New Member
I have one that tries to randomly stalk me online, both using their real name on places like Facebook and using made up names. It gets really old pretty quick and I have had to block several of my social sites because of it.