Sugar is good for your health !!!


New Member
But which one? Not the one, which you purchase from the grocery shop. The natural sugar that is found in honey, fruits and vegetable is unprocessed and therefore rich in fiber and nutrients. A diet of fruits and vegetable with any amount of sugar but in moderate proportion in them will ensure that you will get sugar to generate calories needed for blood. No harm in this type of sugar.


New Member
This is why doctors highly attempt to explain the difference between good sugars and bad ones, too bad most people never listen. Same thing goes for good and bad cholesterol, hopefully one day these people will wise up.


New Member
Sugar in moderation is good for you. I think the fact our bodies evolved a mechanism to produce glucose when it isn't consumed proves that. Our bodies convert protein to glucose via gluconeogenesis in the absence of carbohydrates.


New Member
Yes our bodies definitely need sugar, but they don't need it in the amounts that most people (myself included) eat. I read that Americans, on average, consume 156 pounds of added sugar every year.

Victor Leigh

New Member
We definitely need sugar because that's where we get our energy from. However, most of the time, we are consuming more sugar than we are burning off as energy. So our bodies keep the sugar. As fat.


New Member
I'm not a big sugar eater--good or bad. I think the key to a good metabolism is eating small meals throughout the day. Your body is just constantly burning instead of getting overworked 3x a day.


New Member
I'm not a big sugar eater--good or bad. I think the key to a good metabolism is eating small meals throughout the day. Your body is just constantly burning instead of getting overworked 3x a day.
By constantly burning you will be constantly triggering an insulin response. All food except fat will lower insulin sensitivity. Also, meal frequency has no effect on metabolism unless you are in starvation mode which takes days of food abstinence.


New Member
Sugar is one of the most important ingredient for one's health. One will not survive without it. But like any other stuff that we eat, it should be taken in moderation. The only problem is that we take too much sugar on our daily diet hoping that it will not take a toll on us on the latter part of our life. Which in most cases, we are wrong.