Super Nanny


New Member
Today I was watching Super Nanny (don't judge, there was nothing else on) and there was a terrible couple. They would paddle the kids and creepily say "trust and obey" then go to give the kids a hug but continue hitting them during the hug while. The parents would tell the kids they "forgave" the kids but then of course throw in a few more whacks after the initial punishment had been given.

You could tell they were hitting the kids out of anger. The mother said she wanted to slap her daughter (between 4 and 6 years old maybe) across the face and had done it before. I wish people would learn to control their anger with their kids. I do like that Jo told them punishment is not a way to get their anger out, it's a way to teach the kids right and wrong.


New Member
:( Oh my goodness! It is amazing that Social services didn't look them up after seeing that show air on TV. It sounds like abuse to me. I don't watch the show - it irritates me.


New Member
:( Super Nanny - no way! Shame on those parents though. I don't know anyone who does that and I'm glad! I'm sure I would speak up and stick my nose into their relationship if I saw it.


New Member
That does sound abusive to me. I don't do any type of hitting, it's not necessary in my house. I think it's especially cruel to act like the hitting is over and then do it again. That's proof that it's really just an outlet for the parents to relieve their own stress and anger. It's no wonder the kids act up.