Switching to wine


New Member
I had my annual company check up last week and the doctor advised me to cut down on drinking spirits. Not that I drank a lot, maybe a whisky or brandy a couple of times a week. So now I am trying to stick to red wine, just a glass or two a day. I hope I can last on this regime!


New Member
Good luck PP. Wine has many health benefits and it's way much better than whisky and brandy. I don't drink that much myself and just do it occasionally for social reasons.


Staff member
You could try port. It is wine that is aged in bourbon or whiskey barrels. Gives it a good flavoring, plus you bump up the abv.


New Member
Well I have managed to stick with it so far. Drinking wine isn't such a hardship of course! I may try port again, the last time I drank it I found it a bit rich.