Teenage Screams


New Member
I have a 16 year old daughter and she is always loud. She does have a loud voice but then she has gotten to the point of when she is frustrated she screams and leaves the room. I've tried to talk to her and get her to understand this is not acceptable to no avail. So I guess punishment is the next phase. Any suggestions?


New Member
Start taking away privileges like going to friends houses, talking on the phone, TV, playing games if she does (ie. computer, game systems, dS). This has worked in the past in my family.


New Member
It's a tough question. I like children and people who speak loudly and clearly, but I hate it when they start screaming. I agree with Ken about taking away some privileges.


New Member
Are you yelling at her and that is what is making her scream? Are you not listening to what she has to say? Or is she just screaming because it's what she wants to do to get her point across.
If it is the last one, I would leave the room and tell her that you are no longer talking about the situation until she can control herself and talk reasonable to you.


New Member
Teens are tough. But you really have to get her to understand that unless she can discuss things rationally, you cannot and WILL NOT talk to her. Screaming is not the way to get someone to do something and she needs to learn that now rather than later.


New Member
I like what Unclerob said - pull a preemptive strike and leave the room before she does. If you're speaking to her in a normal tone of voice and she is raising hers, I wouldn't stand there and try to reason with her about lowering her voice. As soon as she starts, tell her you'll be happy to talk to her when she can control herself. Then walk out.


New Member
Screaming is not the way to get someone to do something and she needs to learn that now rather than later.
I can't agree more with you. She has to learn how to communicate what she wants nicely. I hope it's not the case, but will she not get what she asks for unless she screams?


New Member

I have a 14 year old daughter who does the same thing. Finally, I told her that every time she does that I'll take away her allowance for the week (which is $25). And I did it for a couple of weeks in a row. You'd be surprised at how well-mannered and quiet she became after that !


New Member
The allowanc etrick might work if she gets one but 16 is more than old enough to know better so I would warn her what's going to happen if she does it again and then if she does not only strip privileges but her room as well. No radio, computer, cell phone, tv, ipod etc. ought to give her time to think about it before she pulls that little trick again.