The dreaded MIL


New Member
Well the MIL is coming to town and you know what that means, spoiled freaking rotten. Mine is great but still I would love to know what makes having a Mother In Law so bad, most people I know love theirs like their own.


New Member
Mine is actually very nice. We get along great, and our daughter loves her. Sometimes we get along better then my wife and her own mother! How's that for crazy?


New Member
I love my MIL too, she is awesome. When she comes around she takes the kids and me and the wife get to go do something fun. She is the first person we call too when we need a babysitter.


New Member
I really do not get it either, but there are many who tend to get antsy when it comes around. For me its more of another person to add into the family who might not be around full time but is able to be around some of the time.