The Hardest Thing To Do...


New Member
... is let your kids go. I know I'm nowhere near that time in my life since my child is only a few months old but I already can't stop thinking about it. He's growing so fast and I feel like before I know it, he'll be gone.

I think I'm being overly emotional about this perhaps :p


New Member
I understand what you are saying. Don't worry too much, you'll have lots of practice at it as they reach each milestone. First day at school, first time they go away without you .....


New Member
My wife says this all the time. Enjoy every minute you can with your kids - they do grow up so fast! I think it's perfectly normal for parents to feel this way about their kids.


New Member
Everyone says that kids grow up so fast. If you are really enjoying being a father, then relish every experience that you can---and take LOTS of pictures!