The Royal Baby


New Member
Well, England's newest prince has been born. I think it is really odd that so many Americans are caught up with the royal family in England. That is ALL that was on the news yesterday!


New Member
I am not caught up in the news. Women have babies every day. Hillary from Lady Antebellum had a baby girl yesterday. I was more interested in that. I don't really concern myself with royalty.


New Member
My wife and my aunt were on the phone yesterday waiting for the baby to born. I don't really care, but I guess I can see why some people find royalty fascinating. I think it's all the history and tradition and stuff.


New Member
We don't watch the news around here so we didn't know the "royal baby" had been born until the wife got online. Personally, I could care less! My wife was actually more concerned with the birth of a friend's baby.