Time for yourself


New Member
Since it's the shortest month of the year, this is the month I go out of my way to do something for myself. This year I'm planning to buy myself a present. I've set aside the money and now I just have to decide whether it's golf clubs, a pricey addition to my vehicle or a new television. Do you do things for yourself sometimes?


New Member
I take time away every now and then but nothing major. Most times when I see something that I like I will leave a little note for the spouse. I think seeing as we both do this it works out pretty well, sometimes we get surprises from the other and sometimes we just buy it ourselves.


New Member
I do, and sometimes I overdo them, which is why my wife freaks out. It's not that I waste too much money on myself but I waste too much thinking and time on it.


New Member
I've been wanting to get my pool table recovered for a long time. This year I asked everyone to chip in at Christmas to help pay for it. They did and now I have a nice new burgundy rag and boy is it sweet.