Video games are not family time


New Member
My boys seem to think that family time can be enjoyed while they are on RPG. How do they figure? They can't talk while they are fighting a boss and they don't hear. Anyone know of anything that can rival RPG?


New Member
I think it depends on the family and I actually know an entire family of gamers. The ages of the kids range from 5 up to 17 and they all game with their parents in the same guild. It can be done, but it depends on the family setting too.


New Member
I don't know. I used to be into MMORPGs before my daughter was born and I don't see it making for good family time. Even if everyone is all playing together, the conversation mostly centers around the game because they do require quite a bit of focus. As a matter of fact, the one I used to play, FFXI, actually had a warning screen when you started it up to remind you that it was just a game and not to forget your real life. That right there says a lot.


Staff member
One reason why I like the Wii is there are "family" games on there. While my daughter is too young to play, we have had family/friend night where we will play monopoly, or bowling, or other similar games. It is not perfect, but it still lets kids play a video game.


New Member
I agree with Jason, some video games , especially like the Wii, the games can be very interactive and fun for the whole family. I think, on the other hand, computer games are more for the solo player.


New Member
Jason-we do the same thing. We have a board game night where we rotate who gets to pick the game. Right now it's Chutes and Ladders and Toss Across which I realize isn't a board game but the kids like it. When they get older we will hopefully move on to Monopoly and the like. We do pizza for a treat for that night and p,lay games-family night!


New Member
We also have a Wii and we love it. We play together all the time. We play bowling and other games. It gets us up and moving and we get laughing so hard and loud it's great bonding time.