

New Member
My son has started screaming this week for no reason. All I can figure is he is starting to learn he has a voice and he wants to show it off?! He is 6 months old.


New Member
Oh, heck yea. Mine is two and still loves to hear himself scream. Somehow I suspect that it will be several more years before that tones down. I figure by the time he stops babble screaming that's when he'll start really yelling at me, lol.


New Member
Oh yeah, they love to scream. I chase my daughter through the house and she screams and laughs and has a blast. So do I, truth be told. I didn't know it was going to be so much fun having a little one around.


New Member
It would take a year or two before you can get back some peace and quiet, but you should enjoy it while it lasts. Join the fun!


New Member
My son has started screaming this week for no reason. All I can figure is he is starting to learn he has a voice and he wants to show it off?! He is 6 months old.
LOL Cool huh? It maybe not the best voice you want to listen to, but it's obviously the best voice he can make. I wonder if you also did the same when you were 6 month old. Like father like son, remember? :D


New Member
My son screams like a little girl anytime you come close to him or tickle him. I love to rough house with him, but then the wife yells at both of us. She yells at him to stop screaming like a girl and me to stop making him scream. Fun times.


New Member
The best thing you can do is not to react to it. You do not want the baby to learn that screaming gets attention. Also to try to keep your voice low and calm so the baby will try to mimic that.


New Member
My son screams like a little girl anytime you come close to him or tickle him. I love to rough house with him, but then the wife yells at both of us. She yells at him to stop screaming like a girl and me to stop making him scream. Fun times.
What's wrong with screaming like a little girl? He is a baby, right? How old is he anyway? I agree with Independent though that we should not encourage the habit.