Waking up early


New Member
If I could maintain the habit of going to bed early and waking up early, I would have gotten more things done and managed my time better. Why is it so hard to develop and maintain the habit?


New Member
For me it doesn't matter when I go to bed. I'm just not a morning person. If I go to bed early, even if I got up early, I will lay awake. I don't fight it anymore.


New Member
It also is my problem. I have tried to go to bed early but I would usually ended up not falling asleep before midnight. It is hard to break a lifetime habit.


New Member
Yeah, I'm not a morning person either. I'm not sure how much is habit and how much is natural bio rhythm. I think there is something to the idea of bio-rhythm.


New Member
I can be a morning person if I get enough sleep the night before. I find it hard to go to sleep in the evenings after the house finally gets quiet, and I want to enjoy the quiet!


New Member
I think it's a good theory but it never happens here either. There is always something to do at night and that keeps me up later than I wish. I try to get up early on the weekend though. You do get so much more accomplished when you are up early.


New Member
I have a hard time getting up on the weekends. I always say I'm going to get up early and get some things done, but I always end up getting out of bed around noon. I don't like it, but it's a hard habit to break. I work so hard during the week and just don't feel like doing much on weekends.


Staff member
My clock is set to stay up late. It is my fault, too many nights on the computer for one reason or another, or just watching TV. I am trying really hard to break that habit. To get up in the morning and to bed at a better time.


New Member
When you get into a good routine its great. I do not mind waking up early if I am the first up in the house because then I have by own time to get ready at my own pace. I am not rushed and I am not running around rushing others either. Holidays however really mess me up.


New Member
I have serious issues when things through my normal schedule off track. I do run circles for work but being able to not have any issues at night sleeping are okay, until something goes batty for whatever reason.

One night we managed to have two different car alarms going off, someones house alarm and an angry dog running around barking. This was all within a six hour time span and that next day into work was like dragging me through quick sand trying to get anything accomplished.