Want to know ahead of time?


New Member
I kind of miss the old days when you didn't know if a baby was going to be a boy or a girl until the baby was born. Some couples don't want to know the sex of the baby ahead of time. How did you handle this?


New Member
We wanted to know for planning purposes, but we wanted to keep everyone else in suspense. We played like we didn't know, though.


Staff member
The wife made up my mind for me. She wanted to know so she can decorate one way or the other.


New Member
I don't care. I mean, yeah, it's easier to fix up the nursery but it's still not always fool proof is it? But we are through having children unless we have an oopsie. :)

Jerry F

New Member
We've always known. I don't even think we thought of any other way. When they did the 3d ultrasound they didn't ask if we wanted to know or not, they just told us.


New Member
I think not knowing what sex the baby is is a lot more fun. I mean, knowing ahead of time is kind of like cheating, don't you think? It's so much more fun to guess and see who ends up being right :)