"Wants" vs "Needs"


New Member
Recently my ten year old daughter decided she "needs" a cell phone, and has not let up about how "all the other kids have one". I caught myself starting to "lecture". Have you had to deal with this?


New Member
Not yet, and I am grateful for that. I notice today many kids have their own cell phone while they are still too young to be responsible for it.


New Member
I agree! Anything bellow 14 is not for a cell phone. That is when they can be influenced the most and such powerful gadget is not so good for them.


New Member
My oldest daughter is 8---I thought I had more time than a couple years before I would have to deal with this. Guess I better start to consider it. Of course the answer is "No".


New Member
I think that 10 years old is hardly appropriate for a cell phone. But I don't know what age is to be perfectly straight. I guess it all depends on the child itself and its maturity level you are trying to put your trust in.


New Member
Ahhh, the old 'all the other kids have one' argument. Don't you remember that feeling yourself? I wouldn't overlook how important it is for kids to feel part of a group, so even though it seems young it is worth thinking about buying her one. Maybe for her next birthday?


New Member
Just don't forget that a parent is a parent and that you have the right to check on her/his text messages and conversations (if the child is too young - whatever that age is) to make sure everything is OK.


New Member
Yeah, I think ten is way too young for a cell phone. And I think that "because all the other kids have one" excuse isn't good enough. When I choose to give my daughter a cell phone, it'll be because she's going out with friends, so I'll have instant contact with her whenever I want. And she dang well better answer when I call, or the cell phone (and the going out with friends) will be no more.