Watching Movies First

Jerry F

New Member
Does anyone else watch movies before you let the kids watch them? I have almost gotten to that point with my kids after watching a PG 13 movie and finding some inappropriate material in it. Does anyone else screen movies first?


New Member
I think I would be tempted to do this if I had a child of that age. Right now my daughter is still a major Disney addict so it isn't really an issue. I find the TV harder to censor at the moment.


New Member
I do this sometimes, but it really depends on the rating. It's been pretty easy for me because my kids are more into movies than anything and I typically watch things with them.


New Member
I try to do this as much as possible. If not we try to get movies that we pretty much know are going to be appropriate. It's hard to do sometimes but you can generally find something that everyone wants to watch.


New Member
I don't screen anymore. My kids are 13 and 16. I think by now, they should know what is appropriate and what isn't. There is really no use in trying to censor what they watch anymore.


New Member
Should we? I have to admit that I don't usually screen movies. But either I or my wife always accompany the kids to watch such movies.