Wax me?


New Member
My wife wants to wax me and I think she has become the new "one flew over the coo coo's next". Is there any man here who has gotten waxed before for his wife?


New Member
Um, no! Ouch! Man up and tell her no way Jose. I was hairy when she met me, and she didn't have a problem with it then.What does she want to wax exactly?


New Member
Absolutely not. I let her shave the privates once when we were dating. Remember those days-all we wanted to do was impress them? Sure glad those days are over.


New Member
No, no, no. This question brings to mind that scene in 40 Year Old Virgin when they are waxing his chest. No thanks. What exactly does she want to wax, if you don't mind my asking?


Staff member
Yeah, not going to happen. I'm too hairy, and if it comes back worse, forget about it.


New Member
I am scared to, but I have to ask...what exactly is it that she wants to wax? How long have you been together and why wax whatever it is now?


New Member
I haven't done it, but I would do it if my wife asked me to. I have been married for over 20 years and I have learned that if a woman asks you to do something like this, and you do, there are often GREAT rewards! ;)


New Member
I actually have done it. I have this weird patch of hair on my back that, quite frankly, I hate. The patch is about the size of a small envelope and it's over my left shoulder blade. When my shirt is off I feel like there is this big neon sign with an arrow pointing to it. Every few weeks my wife puts a little Nair on my back and in a few minutes it wipes away...doesn't hurt and the hair stays gone for around 2 weeks before it starts to grow back. While it grows back, it isn't very noticeable. Call me vain, but it makes me feel better. :D


New Member
I have seen a few ladies do this before and been in the room when it happened, both privately and in a salon. It just seems so wrong to do, and then ask someone willingly? Nope, you would have to tranquilize me first.


New Member
My brother is a body builder and male model. He waxes all the time. I think it's a little crazy, but agents don't want really hairy guys modeling for them, so he does it to keep the gigs coming, and because it's almost required for competitions.