What To Do About This

Jerry F

New Member
My son has been getting bullied at school and I really don't know how to handle it. He hasn't said anything about it until now but I've just known something has been going on. Should I let him take care of it or should I step in and do something. He hasn't been harmed physically but he's really had a hard time emotionally.


New Member
It's a tough situation. A nephew of mine has ever got bullied so much that he didn't want to go to school anymore. His dad talked with the teachers about this issue and I think they took care of it well.


New Member
That's tough. How old is your son? If he is older, then I would let him just handle it by himself. If he is younger, I would get involved. It just really depends.


New Member
Yeah it depends. If he hasn't said something about that, it could mean that he doesn't need you stepping in yet. But don't take my word because every child is different.


New Member
I'd tell him that the best way to handle a bully is to call their bluff. Right now whoever is bullying him thinks they can walk all over him. As soon as they realize they can't, they will stop.