Where did you learn to cook?


New Member
I learned to cook from my dad, who was a professional chef. He didn't give me a choice when I was younger and now that I look back at that, he made the right decision.


New Member
I had to learn mostly on my own, I do remember my family cooking large meals for the holidays but by the time I was a teen it was mostly left to me. I want my kids to learn first hand, not "because they have to", you know?


New Member
I pretty much had to teach myself when I was with my ex because she refused to cook (among other things). Now I am remarried to a woman who loves to cook so we both get in the kitchen together and create all sorts of stuff and have a blast.


New Member
I started to cook shortly after my dad died. He taught me a few things and the rest I picked up from recipe books or watching cooking shows.