Wife is getting over confident


New Member
I don't know what caused it, but my wife has suddenly switched gears and now she thinks she knows everything about babies. She is due with our first in six weeks and up until recently she had tons of questions and was kind of nervous about what to expect. Now she's suddenly gone in the other direction and nobody can tell her anything. I don't want her to be nervous and uptight, but she hasn't even had the baby yet and she's lecturing everyone in sight about parenting. What the heck?


New Member
I've met people like that. I think a lot of it is trying to compensate for fear. I think it's just a show for now and I'm pretty sure all that fear is going to make another appearance after the baby is born and things don't go exactly according to plan.


New Member
I think that is a little strange. You should probably have a talk with her... and maybe ask her if she really is so confident or is just trying to act that way to encourage herself...

Since I don't know your wife's personality, I can't provide any other piece of advice. It may be a common thing for her. :confused:


New Member
It's pretty overwhelming when you have your first baby. My wife was very similar to yours Clive. She told me later it was bravado - she was scared people would fuss over her if she kept asking questions.