Working Time During the Holidays


New Member
There are no holidays when you are working online. But when the kids are on holiday, it is harder to find the peace and quiet you need when working online. How do you deal with online work and kids on holiday, at home.


New Member
The only thing I can say is-thank goodness I work outside the home. I don't think I could work at home with my daughter. She is always demanding my attention but the doctor and social worker said it would be like that for a while.


Staff member
I get up a little earlier, stay up a little later, and work during nap time. It will be nice if I can get a real office though.


New Member
Do you have anywhere you could send the kids for awhile, like parents or grandparents? I'm sure they'd love to spend some time with them. But don't let work rob you of spending time with them during the holidays. They need you, you know.